All explorers are employed by the Explorer's Guild, but have you ever thought about creating your own miniature guild? Well, look no further - we've got you covered!
The guild creation feature is a little perk of our RP!Bot that is meant for our community to have fun with. This feature is for members only and has no bearing when it comes to RPG battles and the likes. You can create your own guild, name it, make it open or invite-only, set an image for it, and have your friends join you anytime!
Guild creation is done in our #team_management channel. First off, you'll need to know some basic commands to get started:
rp!guild | View your guild.
rp!guild create Guild name | Create your own guild (read info below).
rp!guild info Guild name/Member | View information about any guild, or a member's guild.
rp!guild join Guild name | Join a guild.
rp!guild invite Member | Invite a member to your guild.
rp!guild kick Member | Kick someone from your guild (you monster).
rp!guild setdescription <description> | Update your guild's description.
rp!guild seticon ImageURL | Update your guild's icon (small icon images recommended).
rp!guild setimage ImageURL | Update your guild's image.
rp!guild setmod Member [Guild owner only] | Allow someone to mod your guild.
rp!guild toggleopen | Open your guild to everyone, or close it.
rp!guild delete | Deletes your guild. This is permanent and cannot be reversed.
rp!guild leave | Leave your guild.
Please do not use any command not stated here. These are the only ones relevant to guilds. Remember that you can only be in one guild at a time, so choose wisely!
Now, for the process of creating your guild, it's rather simple! Keep in mind that if you take too long in the process (specially while writing), a timeout error might happen. That's nothing big and we advise you to have all the info ready to be copy-pasted beforehand for your own convenience. Let's look at an example:
Make sure the name you give to your guild isn't inappropriate. During this process, you can also provide an image to be your guild's icon. They show better if they're small, like so:
As for the image, it can be anything really. So long as it adheres to our rules and regulations, go for it!
This is what your finalized guild should look like in the end!
And that's all there is to it! Feel free to create/join a guild, or invite your friends! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to hit up our #help_desk channel on Discord.