Role-Playing or RP points are a secondary currency used within the group to purchase exclusive items from the Harvester's Rest. Role-playing is one of Sky Explorers' key features and we encourage you to role-play with others to further develop your characters. Plus, the only way to earn these points, as their name implies, is by role-playing!
Praline, owner of the Harvester's Rest, doesn't deal in cumulus. If you want to buy her wares, you'll need RP points!
Whenever you role-play with someone on the Harvester's Rest journal (or any other platform of your choice) you'll earn yourself RP points! For every 300 words your individual replies stack, you'll net yourself 1 RP point.
RP points are counted based on your replies only. Your partner's replies won't net you any points.
Unlike cumulus, RP points are not automatically tracked by the Sky Explorers team. To claim your RP points, you must note the group with a link to an RP log with both your and your partner's replies, and another log with your replies only.
Once we've confirmed your points, they will then be added to your Discord inventory.
Alternatively, you can purchase RP points with cumulus. The conversion rate is 400c = 1 RP point. You can purchase RP points this way via going to the #shop channel in our Discord, and using the rp!shop buy command.
Once you've got yourself enough points for an item in the RP shop, you can comment on the shop transaction journal and we'll check your bank and see if you can have it. If you do, congratulations - you've got yourself a new item! Your points will be subtracted from your count once the transaction is completed though, so make sure that's what you want! If you've got any questions, you can note the group and they'll get back to you.
Link to you RP log: [Your replies + replies of the person you role-played with]
Link to your individual replies: [Only your replies]
★ Remember: divide all replies with only hyphens (-) between them. Do not submit more than 3 role-plays to be counted at a time. You may only count a role-play for points once, so make sure you only submit finished/wrapped up role-plays as any additional replies after won't count!
Link to your RP log:
Link to your individual replies:
Link to your RP log:
Link to your individual replies: