1. A herbivorous, four-winged fowl raised for its eggs and meat.
"Bukbuck wings are delicious!"
Plural: Bukbucks
Group: Brood/peep
Baby: Chick
Bukbucks are the most common farm animal found in Mana Village. Their rapid growth and relative ease of care has made them a popular source of meat and eggs for the chiot. They are speculated to have descended from the now extinct greater cockatrice. The diet of the domestic bukbuck consists mainly of poultry pellets and various seeds and grains.
Farmers generally hoard groups of females with a single male since they are more aggressive and territorial towards competing males. Domestic bukbucks need their wings trimmed to prevent them from flying away, hence the common belief that they are not capable of flight.
Wild bukbucks are just as common as domestics, and are spread in broods throughout Mana Forest. While they may not appear dangerous, it is strongly advised not to anger them - they attack in hoards and can pose a threat to lone travelers should they feel threatened.
We recommend trying out Praline's All-You-Can-Eat buckwing Fridays over at the Harvester's Rest - they always draw a crowd!
1. An omnivorous hoofed mammal with a flat snout raised for its meat. Sometimes it is kept as a pet.
"A group of nuho."
Plural: Nuho
Group: Sounder
Baby: Nullet
Nuho are domesticated swines that cannot be found anywhere in the wild. They were selectively bred from the common snuffler over several centuries to become the animal that so many chiot know and love today. Their diet mainly consists of plant meal and other greens, with the occasional treat of roots or fish.
Male nuhos, much like bukbucks, are territorial towards other males. Therefore, farmers will only keep a single male with several females. Nuhos are capable of reproducing year-round, producing anywhere from 10-18 piglets. However, it is a moral practice to not breed a single female more than thrice a year as it would be considered cruel and dangerous for the mother.
As pets, nuhos are spayed or neutered to prevent irresponsible breeding. It also causes their temperament to become more relaxed, especially for males. They enjoy foraging and digging with their snouts, so if you're planning on letting your nuho loose in your prized garden, watch out! Many chiot opt to take their nuhos into the village park for exercise, where they can roam and forage as they please.
1. A herbivorous bovine mammal with thick fur and horns, raised for milk and meat. Its leather, fur and horns are often used for crafts.
"A torumu farm."
Plural: Torumu
Group: Herd
Baby: Tori/Calf
Torumu are large bovine mammals that needs plenty of resources to be fed and space to be raised. They are characteristic of more wealthy farmers, who sell their meat and resources for a big sum. They are docile and can be seen grazing around the farming district of Mana. Despite their large size, their peaceful yet hardy nature made them incredibly easy to domesticate, proving to be quite a resourceful creature to have in your farm. In some cases, a farmer will keep a milking toma in their lands for their personal resources. This sturdy creatures can withstand harsh winters without difficulty thanks to their thick, almost impermeable fur, as well as hot summer days and stormy nights. Their fur serves as a temperature stabilizer for both hot and cold climate. In nature, they have a tendency to migrate to warmer lands during winter to find food, and shed their thick coats during spring.
Torumu meat is a luxury, being normally served in more expensive restaurants across the village taken that its tenderloin are greatly desired by those who have a penny to spare. The common folk, on the other hand, usually eat the less desired pieces of the animal in the form of ground beef or stews, or stick with the cheaper bukbuck wings. All parts of the torumu can be turned into dishes save for their horns, hoofs and heads, that are usually used as decorations.
Though their genus name is torumu, the females, males and calfs are also known as toma, toro and tori respectively.