There's nothing that beats the joy of character creation! Here at Sky Explorers, we provide the opportunity to take your creative skills and tackle designing characters using semi-closed species that are only available to our members. Currently, the only race available is the chiot, but more may become available in the future - stay tuned!
Explorer characters must be between the ages of 15 and 60.
Being an explorer is a physically demanding job and often lands us in the midst of danger. As a result, those who are considered too young or elderly are not permitted to work for the Explorer's Guild.
Player Characters are allowed two accessories to start with.
When your character is created, they can have two custom accessories for free! Some examples of items considered as accessories include: hair clip, glasses, hat, wristband, vest, scarf, small toy, small tool, gloves, boots, small weapon, etc. Items that come in pairs like gloves and boots are counted as a single item. They may not start out with a pet. NPCs may start out with unlimited accessories and any in-season customization.
Explorer characters can have separate jobs.
Explorer isn't necessarily a full-time occupation, and there aren't always expeditions going on. If your explorer has other interests or wants to make some extra cash, why not consider doing something on the side? Maybe they have a particular set of skills they can use around the village?
Eye colors and pupil shapes are unrestricted for all species.
Your character's eyes can look however you want them to, utilizing however many colors or shapes under the sun you please.
Avoid perfection.
Flaws are part of what makes us all interesting as individuals. If your character doesn't have any, how are they going to grow over the course of their journey? Isn't there some dream they have, some skill the wish to obtain? All characters, both player and NPC, should have, bare minimum, 3 positive and 3 negative personality traits along with a 200 word description.
Defined geometric markings (stars, arrows, squares, etc.) are not allowed.
We do not allow specific shaped markings on your character when you first create them, however these shapes can be dyed in later if you so choose.
Only use the species available.
You may not create your own species and try to enter the group with it, or have it as an NPC. Please only use the species that are currently available.
No mixing species.
It's impossible for any of the species on Skaia to interbreed, therefore there should be no mixing of traits. You're either one or the other (although there's only one for now).
Currently, SE members can have four types of characters: Explorers, Villagers, Official Member NPCS, and Personal NPCs. These are divided into the categories of Player Characters and NPCs. Think of your official characters as the main characters and your NPCs as side characters; they are there to supplement your explorer's growth throughout their journey, but aren't meant to take the spotlight. Here are the key differences between all available character types:
• Can do village requests
• Cannot have stat sheets
• Cannot be used in Discord battles
• Cannot participate in guild-only events
​• Cannot participate in Mofongo's Trail Hunt​​
• Can earn you RP points
• Can earn you cumulus
• requires a Villager ID to create
• Can do village requests
• Can have stat sheets
• Can be used in Discord battles
• Can earn you RP points
• Can earn you cumulus
• Starter character type
• Otherwise requires an Explorer License to create
* You may turn an NPC into a player character so long as it fits the criteria outlined in this guide and you have an available ID.
* You may turn an official character into an NPC to free a character slot.
* You may turn a villager into an explorer character using a promotion letter.
* You may also turn an explorer into a villager character using a retirement letter. Frees up an explorer slot.
• Cannot join in VRs, BWPs, events, battles, etc.
• Can earn you cumulus
• Can earn you RP points​
• Can start out with unlimited clothes
• Can start out with any in-season customization​
• Must be related to a player character
• Cannot join in VRs, BWPs, events, battles, etc
• Can start out with unlimited clothes
• Can start out with any in-season custom
• Cannot earn you cumulus
• Does not have to be related to PCs
Now that you know everything there is to know about Sky Explorers' Player Characters, let's move on to actually getting your PC approved! Here's our step-by-step guide to creating the perfect PC:
1. Download the PLAYER application.
2. Draw your PC.
3. Fill out the application info.
If the character is an explorer, keep in mind they must be between the ages of 15 and 60, and must be physically fit enough to work in the guild! Be sure to keep in mind the general character creation rules, as well!
4. Fill the application description.
We require information to be filled in the description of your deviation. Here's what you need to include:
Name: [Your PC's name. Keep species' naming rules in mind.]
Species: [Your character's species. IE: Chiot]
Biological sex: [The sex your PC was born with. Male/female]
Gender: [Your PC's gender. Male, female, bigender, agender, etc.]
Age: [How old your PC's is. Can be any age but keep explorer age rules/races' average lifespans in mind]
Height: [How tall your PC is. Keep species' height range in mind. ]
Birthday: [When your PC was born. Day/month only]
Personality: [Describe how your PC acts or behaves. You may use events from their history to explain their personality traits, but don't elaborate on their history in this section. Minimum 3 positive + 3 negative traits and 200 words.]
Likes: [What your PC likes. 2 things minimum]
Dislikes: [What your PC dislikes. 2 things minimum]
Titles: [What titles do they have? Keep in mind that titles are account-bound.]
Customizations: [Your PC's race traits. Keep in mind that only some traits can be applied for free/year round. IE: For chiot, this would be ear + tail type]
Occupation: [Your PC's job]
History: [Background info on your PC. Story of their life, how they grew up, significant events that happened to them, etc.]
Extras: [Fun quirks or any additional information you want to write about your PC]
Once you've completed these steps, you may submit your PC to either the Explorers or Villagers folder for approval.
Completed Official PC application example
And that's the end of our guide! Enjoy your new PC!
Now that you know everything there is to know about Sky Explorers' NPCs, let's move on to actually getting your NPC approved! Here's our step-by-step guide to creating the perfect NPC:
1. Download the NPC application.
2. Draw your NPC.
3. Fill out the application info.
Chiot still need to be named after food/drinks, but as long as the NPC isn't an active explorer their age is up to you!
4. Fill the application description.
Similar to your player character applications, we require information to be filled in the description of your deviation. Here's what you need to include:
Name: [Your NPC's name. Keep species' naming rules in mind.]
Species: [Your character's species. IE: Chiot]
Biological sex: [The sex your NPC was born with. Male/female]
Gender: [Your NPC's gender. Male, female, bigender, agender, etc.]
Age: [How old your NPC is. Can be any age but keep explorer age rules/races' average lifespans in mind]
Height: [How tall your NPC is. Keep species' height range in mind. ]
Birthday: [When your NPC was born. Day/month only]
Customizations: [Your NPC's race traits. IE: For chiot, this would be ear + tail type]
Personality: [Describe how your NPC acts or behaves. You may use events from their history to explain their personality traits, but don't elaborate on their history in this section. Minimum 3 positive + 3 negative traits and 200 words.]
Likes: [What your NPC likes. 2 things minimum]
Dislikes: [What your NPC dislikes. 2 things minimum]
*Relation to explorer: [Only required to create an Official member NPC. Write a description about your official character's relationship with the NPC. Must be a minimum of 200 words.
Occupation: [Your NPC's job]
History: [Background info on your NPC. Story of their life, how they grew up, significant events that happened to them, etc.]
Extras: [Fun quirks or any additional information you want to write about your NPC]
Once you've completed these steps, you may submit your NPC to either the Official Member NPC or Personal Member NPC folder for approval.
Completed Official NPC application example
And that's the end of our guide! Enjoy your new NPC!