Interested on getting your paws dirty with some good old-fashioned fighting? Then you've come to the right place! In this guide we'll be covering the basics of combat: the format, the mechanics, and how the battle will proceed from start to finish.
After reading this guide, you should read the Stats and Effects page in order to learn how your character's stats will affect their performance in battle. For the sake of simplicity, we will be using a character with 0 stat investment across the board for all examples.
First things first - you're going to want to be in the right place. You must be in our group's Discord server in order to partake in any RPG battles and earn the extra items and perks they provide. While this feature is fully optional, it's highly advised for you to enjoy the full group experience!
Once you've joined and registered in the server, you'll need to create a character profile for each of your characters that you'd like to battle with. For information on how to do this, please read the Registering a Character page. You must do this before you can join any battles!
NOTE: RPG Battles are for members only, no recruits!
Before you can join a battle, make sure to check and see if there is a battle currently taking place! The Dungeon Master (a mod overseeing the battle) will ping @everyone in the #hostile_encounter channel when a battle has been initiated.
To join in the battle, use the bot command ?join CharacterName to bring up your character profile. You can join in a battle at anytime, but if you join after the battle has begun, your character will be last in that turn lineup, regardless of any other factors. If you join between turns, however, you will follow the normal lineup.
Once you've entered your character, please wait patiently for the Dungeon Master (DM) to start the first Attack Turn.
If you need to leave before the battle is over, that's no problem. But you need to ping the @Dungeon Master and use the ?leave command, or you will receive no loot. You will only receive the loot for the hostiles you helped slay. The same applies if you join at the end of a battle.
Note: if you end up getting kicked at any point during the battle, you will receive no loot!
A full turn of battle is complete when all players and hostiles have made their moves. A full turn consists of two things: an Attack Turn and a Dodge Turn.
The Action Turn consists of the player's characters either attacking the enemies and/or using items. If your character attacks, they cannot use an item and vice versa UNLESS they have enough agility to act twice during their Action Turn.
The Dodge Turn is when the hostiles strike back at the players and their characters are given the chance to dodge.
You are able to see the summary of the battle between each turn, or at any time if you use the ?view summary command.
Alright explorers, it's time for ACTION! Once the DM is ready, they will announce the player turn order. Player turn order is determined by your character's agility stat, which is explained more in-depth in the aforementioned stats and effects page. Use the ?attack command and then specify which hostile you will be attacking.
In order to attack, two kinds of dice need to be rolled: CRIT die [d20] and ATK die. CRIT die determines whether you hit your target, miss, land a critical hit, or have a critical failure. ATK die determines the damage you deal if you land a hit. The damage die value varies depending on your character's strength stat, but for now we'll call it a d10, since that's the dice value for a strength stat of 0.
So you roll a d20. Now what? One of 4 things will happen depending on the number you roll. Here are the following roll values and their effects for a base wisdom value of 0:
Rolling 1: Critical failure. Your attack misses and something bad happens. The negative effect is at DM discretion.
[Example: Damage to yourself or your party members]
Rolling 2-5: Your attack misses.
Rolling 6-19: Your attack lands.
Rolling 20: Critical hit! The damage dealt is equal to max damage you can deal + half max damage.
"But wait!" you say, "what about items?" Good question! If you want to use a consumable, you use the following command:
rp!use item ItemName
Example: Rp!use item BreadLoaf
This action will take up 1 turn, and a message stating what the item does will be sent by the bot. Remember - unless you have enough agility to act twice, you won't be able to attack until the next turn. So use your items wisely!
Also make sure you ping the @DungeonMaster, so they can heal you!
Once all players have finished their turns, it's time for the hostiles to make their move!
In order to dodge, you'll need to put in the following command: ?dodge. The value of your dodge dice will depend on your agility stat. In order to successfully dodge, your resulting roll must be 10 or higher. When using this code however, it will automatically tell you whether you failed or succeeded.
And that's that! This process repeats itself until all the enemies are defeated. Keep in mind that if you take longer than 3 minutes to do your turn, the DM will skip your turn and move to the next character in line. If it's a dodge turn, you'll automatically receive full damage.
Once all the hostiles are defeated its time to claim your reward! Use the ?loot command to automatically roll it at the end of the battle. The loot is added manually to your inventory, so please be patient.
Make sure you also read the other guides about Stats and Effects, Registering a Character, and Bot Guide. If you have any questions, feel free to hit our #help_desk or #questions channel!
Happy battling, explorers! ★