Sky Explorers employs 3 bots to help with moderation, as well as operate our combat system. Here we'll be doing a quick rundown and going through some of their basic commands and functions.
Further information on channel-specific commands can be found pinned to the channels on Discord. Do not use any commands other than the ones listed on the channel. Anyone caught abusing commands, spamming them, or using them on the wrong channel will receive a warning. If the behavior persists, they'll receive a timeout in the #shame-corner for whatever duration we deem suitable.
While we ask that all members try not to abuse commands, you are free to look into out bots' command pages to learn more about them and try them out on your own servers! Here's some quick links to the ones we have:
DynoBot (aka MPD): https://www.dynobot.net/
MPD (Mana's Police Department) is our administration bot. It allows us to keep track of edited/deleted messages, helps members by providing information in #help_desk, and enables members to create a playlist and play music at #memetown!
MPD's channels are: #help_desk, #memetown. [Command prefix: *]
Typheus (aka RP!Bot): http://typheus.me/
Rp!Bot is our economy and shop bot. It keeps track of your Discord cumulus balance, Discord shop purchases, and Discord Inventory. It also allows you to create market listings in the trading post, as well as join lotteries and create guilds. Its channels are: #shop, #inventory, #trade, #craft, and #lotto-center. [Command prefix: rp!]
DA-Bot (aka DungeonAssistant): Created by JKSketchy
DungeonAssistant is our custom dice rolling and character registering bot. It's responsible for keeping our combat system functional. When the bot is turned on, use "?help" to get a full list of commands available.
DungeonAssistant's channels are: #explorer-registry, #literature-roleplay, #script-roleplay, #stat_check, #hostile-encounter, and #training-arena. [Command prefix: ?]
You may have noticed the #shop, #craft, #trade and #inventory channels. Since Sky Explorers relies exclusively on Discord for its marketing and economy features, there are certain channels that are command exclusive where you can buy, trade, craft items, check their price and what you need to craft them! You can check your inventory and cumulus balance at any time in our #inventory channel.
All new members start with 500c upon being accepted into the group, and you earn more by engaging in group activities and earning it through art or literary submissions. Members have full control over their inventories, their shop transactions and the equipment they decide to craft, all being accessible via our specific shop related channels. To learn more about it, just check our #command_guide channel! It has everything you need to know and it's rather simple once you've practiced it. If you have read everything and still need help, fret not - just ping @Guild Helper in #help_desk and an admin will answer your questions as soon as possible.
Sky Explorers holds monthly lotteries! That's right - you have the chance to earn cumulus doing absolutely nothing! All you have to do is go to #lotto-center and react with 💰 to whichever lottery is open at the moment! A winner will be rolled 3 days after the lottery is posted.
Not only does Mana's Police Department moderate, but it also loves its jams! MPD has a music feature you can use when you're in one of our voice channels. #memetown is where you can check which song is playing, add songs to the playlist, shuffle them, etc. The commands you need to know are pinned there. If in doubt, go to #help_desk and we'll help you asap!