Becoming an explorer is simple - at least, it is in Sky Explorers! Let us walk you through on how to join our community of artists.
Anyone is allowed to engage with our community on Discord. In our #Recruitment channel, you can interact with our current members and moderators, gets your application checked, and have any questions you may have about the group answered! Upon registration, you'll be given a Newbie role and can have fun until your application is approved or the group opens again.
Don't despair just yet! If you have friends already in the group, for just 500c, they can invite you in outside of opening season!
If you're a member that's planning on inviting someone, simply head on over to our #shop channel to buy a letter, and use it in our #inventory channel! You'll be prompted to link your friend's account, after which the mods will take care of the rest!
Please note to members buying invitation letters: if you invite someone who turns out to be a problem/toxic member, you may have your rights to invite new people to the group permanently revoked.
Invite your friends for just 500c!
1. Make sure your application is fully completed.
A properly filled application is key to becoming an explorer! This application will serve as your character's reference for others if they wish to draw or include them in their submissions. To complete your application:
Fill out the information section on the visual application.
Include one colored, full body image of your character.
Write the required information in the description of your deviation.​
Example of a completed application:
2. (Recommendation) Get your application checked.
With so many sections in an application, it's easy to make a mistake! We highly encourage you to get your application checked by one of our admins before you send it in for approval. It avoids the hassle of having to apply repeatedly during a single opening and makes sorting through join requests much more streamlined for us.
To get your application checked, either post it in the Recruitment channel on the group's Discord, or send a note/comment on the front page of the group on DeviantArt.
3. Check to see if the group is open for new members.
While we do application checks at any time, the group only accepts new members during specified openings. Make sure you check the group journals and look out for the timer on the front page to ensure that the group is currently open! Otherwise, you will not be able to send in your join request.
4. Send a join request to the group.
We require a specific format for our join requests to keep things neat and easily accessible. It's nothing big - just include your username, character's name, a link to your application, and the password hidden in this journal to prove that you've read through these steps. You may also include the person who referred you to the group if that applies
Join request format::
Username: DancingInBlue
Character: Lamb
Application: http://fav.me/d9iwd3t
Referred by: Feligriffin
Pa****rd: Insert pa****rd here
5. Wait for feedback on your application.
Give us a few days to check your application over and either accept or decline your request. In the meantime, we encourage you to join the group's Discord if you haven't yet and get to know your potential fellow explorers.
If you've been accepted, congratulations! This is the end of your application process and you may now submit your application to the Explorers folder of the group's gallery on DeviantArt.
If you've been declined, let's move onto the next step. The key is SpookyScarySkeletons, by the way.
6. Make edits to your application.
If you've been declined, an admin will write an outline of what needs to be fixed before we can accept you into the group. Simply make the necessary edits and send in another join request. You've got unlimited opportunities to fix your application as long as the group is still open. No sweat!
You finished the application process! Thank Deia you never have to do it again.