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the floating island






1. A large land mass of unknown origin floating in the sky of an unnamed world. From the ancient language, meaning: "island beyond the sky".

"Hundreds of species live on Skaia."


















When the island of Skaia originated is unclear, and how it manages to defy the laws of gravity to stay afloat is a topic of scientific debate. All we know is that should anyone attempt to fly too far from the island's edge, some inexplicable force takes hold of the individual and they are dragged with incredible speed to whatever lies below - presumably to their death. Nobody who has fallen off the island has been known to return.


There are little to no records concerning the island that date back more than five centuries ago. Any information related to Skaian - particularly chiot - societies before this period is also scarce. The chiot refer to this lack of documentation in history as "The Great Blank".


It is theorized that the cause of The Great Blank was some sort of large-scale war or purge, which left the chiot as the sole intelligent race on the island. This theory is backed by the discovery of ancient architecture and artifacts bearing no resemblance to that of the chiot, found both in the Ruins of Mysteria and the inner tunnels of Mana Ridge. There is no other evidence pointing to any intelligent species besides the chiot having ever inhabited the island.


Beyond the eastern reaches of Skaia is an impenetrable fog, so thick and dense that you could not even hope to see through it. The source of the fog is unknown, and many a capable explorer have been lost attempting to navigate it. It begins near the base of the Traveller's Eye mountain and the western outskirts of Mana Forest. Some have reported hearing strange sounds coming from within the fog, but the source of them has yet to be identified.


Deia can be described as the life force of the universe – it is the name that encompasses all things on, above, and below Skaia, every plant, every animal, every star, everything that lives or has lived. In essence, worshiping Deia is worshiping the universe itself for its own creation.


Deia is often represented as a mythical figure with an idol of sorts to provide focus. Depending on the subset of believers, it can be depicted as male, female, or neither. In Mana Village, Deia is depicted with characteristics mimicking those of the chiot to help them feel closer to it. Though, not all choose to view Deia in this manner. Some prefer to give it no form, instead feeling its presence in the world around them.


Deia is described as benevolent, wise, and intelligent, but also at times cruel and merciless. It provides all things with the gift of life and the chance to succeed, but also does whatever is necessary in order to move the world forward. It is believed that what is bad for an individual may be for the betterment of the world. When things go wrong in someone’s life, a common saying is “it was for Deia’s sake”.


Deia worship is the only known form of religion that the chiot have. There are no churches or temples for Deia worship as the chiot believe that Deia is everything and everywhere; there is no need to create an enclosed space to connect oneself with Deia or other worshipers. There are no ceremonies or strict procedures for worship either.


To practice Deia worship, individuals will find a calm space and meditate for an hour (or more) on the world around them, though some have developed practices that are more personal to them. Forcing your method of worship onto another is a huge taboo, as everyone's connection to Deia is considered unique and should not be treated the same.





POPULATION: ​Approx. 15,000

LEADER: Mayor Malt


Despite its name, Mana Village is actually a town. The name was decided during the settlement's conception and simply stuck throughout the years. It is located in the northeastern corner of Skaia and nestled comfortably between Mana Ridge and the Traveller's Eye.


Mana Village is a democratic society that decides the vast majority of its laws through public vote. It is headed by an elected mayor who retains their position for five years unless continually re-elected like Mayor Malt, who has held his position for nearly six decades. Leaders of the Explorer's Guild and Mana Police Department are also a part of the village council and have a say in the decisions made. They are obligated to report their findings to the mayor. Traditionally, if the mayor has any offspring, they will train them to run in the upcoming electoral races.


The village is surrounded by a large, wooden wall that functions to keep out hostiles. The denizens of the village live in relative peace compared to those outside the wall, only worrying about the appearance of low rank hostiles and the occasional sciverd. The wall is guarded by members of the Mana Police Department and only those given clearance are allowed to leave the village at any given time. Explorers are permitted to leave and re-enter the village as they please, however.


Despite its size, Mana contains several districts with their own subcultures, which is why you may see chiot speaking snippets of a different language or wearing vastly different clothing. As for where these subcultures originated, that has yet to be known. Features found within the village include: a town square with a fountain, a wide variety of shops, the Explorer's Guild hall, town hall, police department building, explorer training facility, Philone's mansion, a library, and a forest park with a pond.



POPULATION: ​Approx. 50


A serene lake located just a few hours east of Mana Village. Some chiot have taken to living around this lake, constructing a number of small cabins and homes by the water's edge. This is a popular vacation spot and place for chiot to visit on their days off, with several empty cabins available for rent. A small number of officers and explorers are employed to keep watch of this area. While it has a pleasant view, there are no shopping facilities in this area and its inhabitants are required to journey back to the village once or twice a week to restock supplies.

















Mana Lake is famed for producing glowing crystals that are a common light source within the village. Their light, though not as bright as a torch, is charged by exposing them to sunlight, and they can glow for several weeks at a time without any maintenance. These crystals come in a variety of colors and are also gifted to others as symbols of friendship, peace, and love.




POPULATION: ​Approx. 15


A dense forest filled with pine trees and other conifers. It is home mainly to fennars, slimes, and chails. Mana Forest is located a few hours southeast of Mana Lake and is relatively peaceful. It is a common destination for chiot to go on nature hikes and hone their exploration skills. Explorer trainees are made to visit the forest quite frequently in order to practice hostile combat outside the walls of the village.


While the eastern outskirts of the forest are relatively habitable, the western half trails into the fog and is considerably dangerous. It should also be noted that there are no guards employed to protect those who choose to inhabit the forest, and it is located a significant distance from the village making supply runs difficult and strenuous. This is not a place chiot without combat training and survival skills should attempt to live in.


An elevated area surrounded by a wall of mountains and jagged rocks. There is little to no greenery to be found here and the area is dominated by sciverds and vienak. Within the ridge are a series of interconnected tunnels that are almost maze-like in composition, and easy to get lost in. Traveled by hostiles and explorers across the ages, this area is loaded with potential materials and lost belongings (and the occasional skeleton, yikes)!





A vantage point located at the top of the cliff overlooking Mana Village. It is very difficult to reach and may take weeks to reach the peak as the mountain must be scaled in small increments. It is used largely by cartographers to map out the land, however should one look to the east all they will see is nothing but fog...


The air up here is very thin making it difficult to breathe, and anyone who dies here is usually left here. Some of the corpses have become markers for those travelling up the mountain.


It is reported that a species of unusual hostiles have been appearing around the Traveller's Eye as of late, but they are difficult to examine due to their flighty nature and incredible speed. I wonder what they could be?




A vast area covered in tall grass and rolling hills. Trees and other forms of cover are scarce here, leaving travelers highly susceptible to attack. It is necessary to traverse this area to journey further out into Skaia.




A lush forest located far south of Mana Village. Sunshine breaks through the leaves from dawn till dusk and this forest is home to many species of fauna. Resources like lumber, berries, and many, many mushrooms can be found here.


Angura was considered a very pleasant and relatively safe place to visit for beginner explorers, until a mysterious beast was awakened within. Now travel to the forest for villagers is forbidden and many chiot are anxious towards the looming threat it harbors...




This dilapidated temple is home to a ghostly swarm of culebratu. There are many treasures to be found here, however it is currently the farthest place anyone can travel to from Mana Village and you are almost certain to be met with not only multiple traps, but angry inhabitants as well. These ruins were first discovered by Monterey and Vanatori and are currently being excavated by the Relic Hunters who claim ownership over them.

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